As we move through 2022, excitement is building for opportunities and events that haven't seemed possible for over two years – heading out on summer vacations, hanging out with family and friends, attending a concert or movie, and returning to the office. But, while we may be happy to move about - or outside - the cabin, we have some questions about that last one: Do I want to return to office life as it was, feeling over-worked, under-paid and under-appreciated? Am I doing something meaningful with my life? How safe are our workplaces, especially with new COVID variants and our vaccines waning? Would I be happier working somewhere else?
During the past two years of isolation, many of us started to question our priorities, including how we work and what we do there. The data shows it – over 4 million Americans have quit their jobs every month this past year. And every day brings fresh headlines of entire workforce sectors struggling to find the workers they need to return to full production capacity.
We know that unplanned turnover can have a HUGE negative impact on your organization and teams in terms of costs, motivation, and productivity. So, what can you as a manager do to support your employees during your transition back to the workplace? At Tractus, we look at the five Rs:
Refocus: What does your organization need to thrive now and in the future? What are the most critical areas in need of attention as you shift to a more in-person workplace?
Reframe: What assumptions do your leaders make about the skill needs and current capabilities? What changes when they challenge those assumptions?
Reassess: Why do we usually default to looking outside the organization for answers to business challenges, including new talent and innovative ideas?
Rediscover: What are your current employees’ strengths, and how might they have changed during the past couple of years? What’s the best way to leverage them?
Rebalance: What processes can your leaders follow to grow their employees along with their organizations?
While these five elements are most directly related to fostering long-term organizational success, they also provide a helpful framework for addressing the excitement and uneasiness of the post-COVID workplace. Here’s how to use them:
Gather a team of people whose opinions you trust.
Seek input from employees from every level of your organization.
Keep an open mind, and don’t be afraid to think creatively.
Develop strategies to support your employees, both inside and outside the workplace.
Implement the easy changes now, then make plans to implement more complex changes over time.
We know organizational change can be overwhelming. But with a little intention, a lot of reflection, and some strategic decisions, your company can be well on its way to returning to successfully accomplishing your goals.